Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Get involved! First event happening next month in York.

A large part of this project is concerned with finding out how different groups of people view recording and its relationship with engineering. These groups are:

1. Audio/recording professionals (past or present)
2. Those currently in higher education on courses about, or related to, sound recording (for example audio/music technology, popular music, audio engineering).
3. Those currently in further education/sixth form/years 12&13 aspiring to a career and/or higher education in audio/recording.

In order to gather views and ideas there will be a series of events in different parts of the country. These will involve various activities, usually over half a day. The first one is currently being planned to take place here at the Audio Lab on the University of York's campus at the end of November. I'll post more information up here as the plans progress but places will be limited so, if you fall into one of the above categories, and you think you'd like to be involved then please drop me an email at:


with your name, age and which of the above groups you fit into and I'll put your name on a mailing list for the event.

You don't have to be connected with the University in any way in order to attend - all are welcome from any of these groups. I'll hopefully see some of you in November!

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